sexta-feira, agosto 16, 2024

You can hide 
but I can feel 
You can be in silence 
and not saying anything 
But also can feel that you love me 
I will not say nothing
or running behind you 
I believe that you will wake up
and see the light inside you 
Like a old movie 
I will not beg for true love 
because I Can feel that you love me too 
Y ou know where to find me too
don't use only songs 
To tell me the true inside your ❤️ too 
you can stay with a thousand 
But at the end your ❤️ belong me 
I like you 
I ❤️ you
And I will not lose control because you
you're always in my mind to 
And you sleep inside my ❤️ 
with all your beauty too
I like the way you walk 
do way you smile 
I like hearing your voice  soft 
I love you without imagination 
you're fantastic 
I cannot take my eyes from you 
hiffen sometimes I close then to sleep beside you 
I love since I meet you from the beginning 

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