sexta-feira, maio 19, 2017

in a minute
I'm sure I'm down
I travel all the time
I feel empty
My heart locket my soul
if I take your name
I will write in gold
but my heart cannot buy words
What I'm trying to tell you
I love you
you're mine sushine
But I feel down

I love you
more than you know me
I can be crazy 
trying to tell you why
But now I'm will not explain
It's sucks
Knowing the answer
so I write
I'll not loose nothing 
to tell you
It's hard writing saying 
that my heart is in panic
If I don't see you in home
I love you baby

What you mean
when you say that you don't have time to me
Should I let you go
you're not mine
I will not say that I like you
only in my dreams
Maybe you wake up
and see that I love you
Maybe I can win all night long
but I'll see when you come home
You don't have time
I can't win if I don't see you