quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2017

Like your blue
green eyes
That seductive
when I first saw you
I felt love
how I wish to have you
Not for only 4 seconds
maybe you don't like me
Like I like you
I hope ear from you
next week
Beautiful night 
but colder
Like you inside
your lips in to mine
Share my thoughts with anyone
or to the world
I need see you again

Wake me up
before you say 
You will came more
all time I say sorry
One day it's to late
I fell alone without you
I like you
I'm sorry if I try to tell you
I wake up every morning
just to tell you
Also love you
was not enough

Sometimes I just wonder why
I like you
If I don't see you
when you open the door
I see you smiling
when you not there
I wait for you all time
I miss you
only to be with you
My bed is waiting
If you real
Sometimes I just close the door
and my heart push back
Because I like you so much
I want stay with you all the time
I fell sad
Sempre que penso em ti
Eu te disse o que queria
Mas tu não me quisseste 
e agora
O telefone toca e não és tu
vai te foder
Pago para saber de ti
não vale a pena ser sincera
Pois tu não me queres a mim
e agora dou-te a minha mão
E tu oferece-mes o teu mundo
e eu só vejo televisão
E tu onde andas sem mim