quarta-feira, julho 24, 2019

Confidence is what you feel about yourself
Saying I'm the greatest
I'm the best
is like a fake
When you really have confidence
you like yourself
You'rent a idiot
your call you names
Your brain does what it thinks you want
based at your experiences
What you do?
stop criticize
Listening yourself
be your best friend
Listen what you talk
treated you like you treated your best friend
say I'm a human
That make mistakes
change your behaviour
Never say that you're exhausted
only you're a bite tired
Critical people are unhappy
with themselves
Give thanks and let go
be aware
Everything that you tell is what you feel about you
Thanks to share you not let in
I'm lucky and don't agree with you
once you know
you're enough

I refuse take No for answers
I like me 
every morning I wake up from my bed
Don't fear reaction
I'm sad
but I will not die
You still continuous gorgeous
I'm good
Nice people like me
taught s are things
Your brain always get what you want
listen what you say
Be nice to yourself
saying not enough
Its a big problem
if you do that you will not attractive your career
Your promotion
you can not share your life because you don't have confidence
When you won this all your life
will be successes
Discover what who you're really by society
travel see others cultures
If you want be love
you need be fantastic about your feelings
Thoughts and energy
you need be loveable
Than you attractive people in your life

Hoje penso em ti
ainda que te fale tdos os dias
Não chega
também me dizes 
Que me deixas assim
preciso de te perder este ano
Para me voltares a falar
a vida segue em frente
Sem olhar para trás
talvez um dia lamentes
Que o tempo volta atras
também eu gosto de ti
Como de tanta gente
que não me fala
Ou me deixa de falar