sábado, novembro 11, 2017

Love it's a mistake
stole us the heart
Sometimes you play games
I fill a part
I'm sorry if I'm rude
when I like
I use a mask to defender me
love it's a mistake
That I pay
because you never have time for me
Answer me with your heart
not with your mind
Love comes alone
with dreams
If you don't believe
answer me
Why you close all doors
and delete me
Friendship give hands to love
and I cannot played any more

Depois de tudo
meu amor cai ao chão
Tantas coisas imagino
digo-te abre a boca
Se acreditas o amor
faz barulho
Todas as coisas chocam primeiro
se é que me entendes
Não arranjes desculpas
que não podes
Quero te ver
mas tu primeiro
O que queres tu afinal
Since august
you don't call me again
You call me rude
I try to show you
you wrong when you don't trust me
I feel pain inside my head
my heart continuous
Because we are friends
if you don't want to talk
I will not say nothing
I keep silence
Until you say something
why we can be friends any more
I like you
don't argue
Just need a hug
not that you kill me