sexta-feira, dezembro 08, 2017

I'm not funny
but I have sensor humour
That's it
why you are so scare
I will not kill you
I just want kiss you
You are the reason
because I like you
Where I started
because I'm not strong
Why you came
if you don't believe at me
When you touch my hand
I feel all your body inside me
sometimes I think on you
But I feel alone
when I open the door
I see you
just smiling
I wonder why I like you
and care so much
I don't know you
Believed your not
I think I'm in love with you 
Se oh menos me viesses ver agora
sinto-me sózinha
E as vezes as coisas passam
e eu fico para tras
Corro para não te perder deste jeito
sinto uma tristeza 
Que me acompanha
todas as mentiras
Que ouves como o meu nome
não me dizem respeito