quinta-feira, novembro 29, 2018

Encontrei-te sempre com um sorriso
mas com pouca imaginação
Com algumas falhas na linguagem
embora dedicado e aldrabão
Por isso cai na ilusão de um povo
pensas que és novo mas já passas os 40
Tens um vago sentido de humor
muitas vezes deixaste-me com saudades de ficar com a boca aberta
Mas tudo me sabe a pouco
hoje escrevo livros de pôr meio mundo a sonhar comigo
Recordo tudo agora já não vou para nova
mas os meus livros continuam a falar de um amor
que te fazem sorrir agora

Love is what make you smile
when you're tired too
Maybe I'm jealous
I get hunger
sometimes the heart
Doesn't see too
what is love
I'm no patient
you carry arms
Inside too
People return home
love it's not arrogant
Love is giving
and teaching
About you
love it's not a game
That you can win
or a business
Love is lust
love it's not a thing
It's waiting for me being happy
give me a reason
To show you
you're my best friend
Love means accept you
with an perfections
Love its a strange
and beautiful feeling
That I have for you
love its you

What is love
sometimes you cry
Because I need see you
love is a choice
Like your perfumer
is giving little time
And space to the other person
it's not upon
It is the wisdom your heart
love it's what I fell for you over and over again
And I'm not superman
love its when I look at you
And see your heart
inside your eyes too
Love it's not only words
It's feeling that I feel for you
love it's me
Love its you