quarta-feira, abril 19, 2017

Preciso de outra história
que juntes magia
Que não cries situações
sem controlo
Que tenhas sucesso
e fama
Que não fabriques
o que não sei ainda
Some people say that I'm a poet
but I'm only write true words
I like you so much
more than you know
I want to show you
I'm not special
because I write words
About feelings to
about life
And love
I need share with you
Maybe now I'm closed to you
when I write
about world

My heart is like a sun to me
I had a rainbow in my heart to
you cannot see
I write new poems to you
I'm just a girl
been love with you

You're the love I want
So smile to me
when the night comes
I look at sky
and I see stars lighting to me
I dream with you all the time
But you cannot see me
with love
Without pain only with feelings
I see you in my dreams to
my heart is like the sun
hugging you
When I'm with you
I feel shinning
Because I love you
I still write poems
To the world and to you
should I tell you the true