quarta-feira, novembro 29, 2017

I miss you
that's why I send you messages
Every time I want see you
but you all the time pushing away
Why you don't understand 
I fall for you
here in my bed
I dream 
Is like kissing you now
Yesterday you cross the limit
your hurt me so bad
I cannot dream
why me
I will forgive you
Não posso evitar
não te contar um segredo
E agora
o amor prevalece no meio do nada
A percorrer meio mundo
a vida é curta
Não te vou controlar
porque sonho contigo
As vezes tenho-te num sonho paralelo
será que sabes o meu segredo
Te olho
e sorrio
Não posso evitar
Sinto ciumes
por isso imagino-te

If you could see me
I just love you
But instead we argue more
I love you
If I smile
and give my hand
To start
maybe I can walk again
When you go home
my heart cry all night
And I need dream again
because I'm stupid to believer

What you were dream
if you remember me
One day I close the door
to all my love
No words to say
that you are special
Not stupid as you call me
if you blame me
Maybe I'm not perfect
because I like you
But not just a friend
one day I will tell you