quarta-feira, junho 13, 2018

I like to look at you
can I keep looking
You make me dream with hearts too
you have that white smile that I like
I'm keep following in love
life it's not death
Walk by my side if you're not rude
don't come in front
Or behind come by side
talk with me stay my friend
Open the door
and smile hi fen you had a bad day
I like what I see
when I close my eyes I see all flowers
Come to me
love hurts
But my hands cure
I'm to strong to say no
I like to look at you
just to see you
Looking at me

Love is a funny thing
when I look at the clouds
They appear like hearts to me
maybe because I love so much
But you don't see
love its funny
When you look at me
I bite my lips 
and look for someone to love me
Why we don't satart today
maybe I need write to the stars up me
Love is many things
happen when we don't look
When I love someone
my heart feels all
I can fall down
This felling is killing me
Love is a funny thing if you believe
Don't play with me
you're inside my heart to
Come home
I love that's why I feel silly

O que me faz falta
teus beijos
Tua harmonia
teu sorriso bonito
Um bom dia
olá amor
Perco-me neste meu falar
neste turbilhão de palavras
nesta minha poesia

Meu coração flagra
quem não ama
foi ontem
O destino traçou meu caminho
as vezes venho para a rua
Para traçar teu caminho
parabéns meu amor
Pela tua essencia
pelas tuas origens
Pela esperança que carregas
quando precisas
Meu coração flagra teu amor doentio nesta tua vida