terça-feira, agosto 21, 2018

I give to you passion
what you want more
well you need me
Take time to understand
I'm strong
but you don't believe
Keep walking
you're fare from me
But I like you

You can make me companionship
I yell your name if I feel warm
and write at gold
Sometimes I die first
and you win all
I feel tired to let you go
maybe I need be safe
Stay with me
take me at home
It's to dark
give something to eat
To feel strong
I need see you
your are my baby too
Since the first time I see you
smiling to me
I feel passion in your eyes to
what you want from me

Close my eyes
in silent
I cannot see 
what you want
But I feel hurt
when you call me rude
Maybe your smile
it's the truth
I stay at my bedroom
it's possible
I found you
but you're not perfect any more
And you belong to some else 
open your eyes
What you see
I hope I fall with someone like you
not only at the dreams
Guarda-me sempre dentro de ti
contagia-me com a tua alegria
De seres tu
me respeita
Diz sempre a verdade
mesmo que estejas errado
Não vas abaixo
não me mandes calar
Não te fastes
não tentes te esconder
Estende a tua mão
deixa-me contar-te a minha história
Premite que sejas feliz
não andes sempre na sombra a procura da verdade
Sê tu