quinta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2019

Maybe love it's strong
but you need come home tonight
You're everything to the world
I write some words
not easy to come
When I look at home 
you will see me
I hate call after night
maybe you're to cold to me
But we need stay together
because you're my best friend
My reason
my dream
Sometimes you say no
I just close my eyes
because I cannot see
Why I love so much
you close all doors
You call me the enemy

A vida passa
tu sorris
Entreguei-te meu coração
mas tu fugiste dele assim
Vejo a vida
piso o risco
Talvez seja apenas uma sonhadora
bato a porta de novo
Depois tiro-te tudo assim
mantenho a mente acesa
Quando me atacam a mim
a vida passa
Eu recordo esse teu sorriso lindo
talvez muitas vezes ardo
Para aprender quem me ama assim

You are the reason
why I write you
I give you my heart
that beat
But you say no
my mind say erase
Because you go home
I go every morning
But you disappear
sometimes I ask
I miss you
I can smell the perfume
in all ways that I pass way
Because I love you
maybe I need to tell you
That my heart broken again