domingo, junho 13, 2021

What I learn  

I don't need friends  

only when they  remember me 

Because they need something  

te word friends doesn't mean that  

That its partners or cow worwôrks 

I  don't want friends to touch 

that is  boyfriends  

I don't need to go to bed. 

that is lover's 

I just want that one day someone ask  

do you want get out ?  or you ok? or you need something?

But without receiving anything back 

friendship its not about words

Saying I like you to 

is more an actions if you really like  

You will appear more times 

friendship is a different love   

its love without sex 

Its unconditional 

I don't need someone to care about me 

but someone that ask me how I am 

Is this so difficult 

Today I realise people just only want take advance from us 

nothing more   

Always telling no time , they don't know 

they're no prepare only when they lose someone 

Let it go 

I don't want stones at my way  

What I learn you don't care  

you only do what you want and not what people ask you to do it 

You won , I m out 

game over 

Enjoy life  

after maybe you don't return 

Also don't care 

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